A Solutions Company / Signature 4
signature 4
Design / Engineer / Manufacture / Finish

Signature 4 is a complex design and solutions provider.
From product inception to product refresh, we have the design, engineering, and manufacturing capabilities to capture the result your business needs. Our team balances precision and creativity with style.

Looking for these services?
injection molding
vacuum forming
metal fabrication
decorative finishing
engineering services
The Signature 4 Advantage
Great product from great people? You got it.
We Listen
We hear you out to see how we can come alongside you in your process.
We Align
After evaluating your needs, we add a little engineering and some creativity to offer beneficial solutions.
We Add Value
Our diverse team contributes additional knowledge-value for custom, proprietary, and standard products.
We Finish
You can count on us to assist in the final stages to the finish line - planning, testing, manufacturing, and more.

We approach business through lessons in surfing.
We seek where the waves are, paddle out to opportunity, choose and align ourselves with the best, then execute the ride to our finest ability. And even if things don’t harmonize, we get out and do it again.